Delivery of Nord West 420 “BARROLI” to new owners today, who will sail to their homeport in Denmark today in this lovely sunny weather. We wish you a pleasent trip and summer!

Today we launched a new website for Irene and Monica in Elloskiosken AB. We congratulate and wish good luck!
Lovely weather during delivery today! First voyage for LOGO! is Marstrand to Anholt. Next stop Laboe. This year will be spent in northern Germany. The goal next spring is Port Grimaud…

We have launched a new online webshop with boat accessories and spare parts for Nord West and other brands. The product range will grow and if there is something you…

We have mounted a new display system of the boats we have for sale at our cooperation partner Drevia in Lysekil!

Thanks Sten and Lisa for your wonderful Christmas card! The photo was taken in Stavern, Norway when Nord West Yacht Club from Swedish west coast went on convoy last summer.

Vi har sålt en snipa, Nidelv 24, som vi haft till salu. Det har varit flera spekulanter och tittat på båten. Några av dessa är fortsatt intresserade av en snipa i…